Vídeos extranjeros de agua alcalina reducida
Dream tree product Demonstrations (pH테스트, 용존산소테스트)
Dream tree product Demonstrations (ORP테스트, 녹차 티백 테스트)
Good water for the inside Body product Demonstration (pH, ORP, 녹차티백 테스트)
Dan Solloway, Radio Host and PhD. Nutritionist recommends Dream Tree! (The magnesium miracle, Mineral miracle, The pH miracle)
shocking demonstration of how fast skin absorbs chlorine (염소피부 흡수 테스트)
Alkali reducing water DNA restored (알카리환원수 DNA 복원)
Electrolyzed and Reduced Alkali Water(Atopicallergy) by MBC in Korea
Electrolyzed and Reduced Alkali Water(Anti-cancer) by MBC in Korea
Dr. Howard Hagglund. M. D. : Body pH and Dream Tree's Good Water
Dr. Robert Young, author of Alkalize or Die
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss (Dr. Robert O. Young & Shelley Redford Young)
Dan Solloway. ORP Test